Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I can here the voices again !!!!!!!!!

Oh Crap, I was about to sign off and all of the sudden I heard the voices again. This is so weird I can still hear them talking as I am typing this. But I can't make out what they are saying. This is crazy its still light out so its not really scary. But it sounds like ............... a group of people talking in different languages. This is kind of cool, I can't tell where it is coming from but it seems louder when I am sitting in the living room where the computer is at.

Oh No, it stopped man this is so strange. You guys must think I am crazy, actually I am starting to think I am a bit crazy myself. But I think its kinda cool.

Oh, My rides here gotta go to the movie. I will talk to you guys later about this, Maybe you can help me figure out whats going on with these voices. Later guys!!!!!


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