Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Wow, I am so confused. Why would someone want us to stop helping the skulls? Is this guy crazy! I really hope this guy doesn't come looking for me.

Actually, I am not waiting around for this guy to come to my house. I am going back to my moms place to stay for a while. I don't know how I am going to pull this one off. With school and all. But, I think If I go and stay with my mom for the weekend and play sick I should be ok. I just can't stay around here while my dad is off at work, and some guy is coming after us.

My mom doesn't have a computer at her house. But, she lives close to a library so I will use thier computer to check in soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I can't follow along

Well,I have been trying to follow this last puzzle. I had to google steganography just to figure out what has been going on. I still don't really understand it. But, I know you guys are smart enough to figure it out. By the way has anyone checked the other pictures for hidden messages. You guys probably already did but I was just asking.

If only I could talk to them, then maybe I could help you guys out more.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Home work, home work, home work

I have been trying to follow along. But since I was sick I have had alot of homework to catch up on. I Just feel not very helpful to you guys, since the skulls aren't contacting me anymore. I hope I can help you guys with something soon.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I hate being sick

Ah, hey guys I wanted to get out of bed and see how whats been going on. I have been sick with the flu for the last few days. It looks like you guys are doing ok without me. I have been feeling a little better so I will try to stay in touch with you guys more.

Did anybody else notice that Tyi said the skulls were still contacting him. Thats kinda weird, that they are contacting him still and not any of us. Anyways, I am going to go lay down on the couch and watch TV. I will check back in later.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What should we do?

I don't know if we should worry or what? I haven't heard from the skulls in few days now. They don't even respond anymore when I call out to them. I hope I haven't done something wrong.

I wonder if the skulls are talking to any of the other chosen? And I don't know If I should worry about this or not?


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I got one too.

Yeah, it weird that I haven't heard from the skulls for a while, but I got an e-mail from rose skull as well. But I only got one picture. I post it for you guys.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Just got this!!!

I just got another email from that hacker guy. He said "he was sorry", and He wants all of your emails. I don't want to give him your emails addresses unless you guy say its ok.


to ME

It was uncalled for, I know. I...... Just know how to do things my way. I guess for now we are all supposed to work together. So, I am sorry, but I still need something from you. If you are willing to give it to me.

I need the emails of all of the chosen few so I can move ahead in my search.

By the way tell everyone I started a site for them to contact me

I just got this email!!!

Well this whole thing just got a little weirder. I just checked my email and got a message from this guy. I thought getting emails from you guys was weird at first, but this beats that. So, I don't know what to think of this. And I am not replying to him until I figure out whats up with this guy. I thought you guys were supposed to find us not the other way around. I don't know, maybe you guys can contact him and find out. if he is for real.
to Me

The skulls have been talking to me for a while . They told me to wait for you guys to find me. But, I don't want to wait anymore. I know why you all were chosen, I know why I was chosen. I am searching for the others. I will find them, then we can all come together we can complete this prophecy.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Been Away !!!

Sorry guy, I had to leave with out letting you know what was going on. I had to go back to my moms house, because My Grandmother on my moms side died. So, I had to go to the funeral yesterday. I did get to meet a lot of family I didn't know I had. And I got to see my favorite Uncle He was talking about some exhibit he was showing. I don't know really what for I didn't pay that much attention, I heard exhibit and instantly got bored.

Anyways, my mom doesn't have a computer so I couldn't contact you guys to let you know what was going on. I was getting worried to because I haven't heard anything from the skulls while I was away. So, as soon as I got home I jumped on here to see what has been going on! I am going to look at the web sites you guys showed me and see what has been going on.

So, let me know what I missed????


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blogger was down!!!

Hey guys, blogger was down all yesterday for some matinance. So I couldn't contact you guys on here. But the skulls are talking again, nothing to important right now. But I have to head to school soon, I just wanted to let everyone know I wasn't DEAD. I will talk to you guys as soon as I can.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hope this helps.

Hey guys, I wanted to check in and see how every thing was going before I went to church with my dad.

I can't figure out the numbers so I am going to ask the skulls for help.

Well, the skull that I have been talking to is not responding. Which is a first because he likes to talk a lot.

But, one of the other skulls said this" this puzzle is a combination of three puzzles, how you found Onix, Aden and how you found me."(sorry I was in a hurry and missed the Me part)

Someone sent me an email asking if it was numbers are letters. The skulls said "yes". But, looking at the numbers I don't know how they could be letters. There are 13 Numbers and 26 letters so I don't get it. looks like its up to you guys again.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Just got this!!!!

Hey guys, I think this is important!!! I jumped back on to the computer after my dad left. He had some date tonight, and she was not cute. Oh, sorry getting off track.

Anyways, there was a little skull icon on my desktop. I opened it, and got this picture. I think it has to be related there is a skull on it.

Once again, I don't know what the writing is. But you guys seem to be able to figure this stuff out. So have fun I'll be here to help if I can.


Sorry I passed out.

Hey guys, I hope you are a wake. Sorry about not being on here last night. As soon as I got home my dad made me start working on my home work. And I fell asleep in the middle of doing it. I have been asleep up untill just a little while ago.

The skulls woke me again. So I came to see what is going on.

Friday, January 5, 2007

I'm back !

Hey guys, I had to sneak back in here. Because I think I need to tell you guys this . When I was in Lab I kept hearing these letters over and over. "FNRDTSIR" I don't know If there were any more. I was trying to block the voices so I didn't get in trouble.

Hope this helps because If I keep this up I am going to be in so much trouble. I will try to get on later and see how everything is going.


I have to make this quick!!!!!

I had to run into the lab before anyone else got in here. Next period starts in a few, and I didn't want to be in here talking to myself . That would be bad at a new school. "Look, its the new girl who talks to herself." Yeah right not going there.

Anyways, ask them if you are on the right track...............

Yes, and numbers are letters is all I heard.

Oh crap, gotta go

Got your answer Redhatty!

Oh wow, it worked. Redhatty I ask your question. They replied back. Its kinda cool, like having a cell phone but without the phone.

Anyways they said this "The prophesy says you will have found the next key, and the next skull by 1168283593"

So once again , Guess what you guys are on your own because this "1168283593" I don't have a clue as to what this means."

But I am off, I have to go to school. I will try to check in while I am in Lab.


It happened again!!!

I heard the voices again. I was sleeping a little while ago, and I had this dream with these shapes, symbols and skulls. When the sound of whispering woke me up. Once again the sounds where coming from my living room. As weird as it sounds I think the skulls are talking to me from my computer. Do you think they can they do that?

Anyways, I did what you guys told me and tried to talk to them. I also tried to record the voices, but got nothing. I did call out to them like you guys told me to. The whispers went from soft voices, into one loud clear voice (which scared the crap out of me.) I asked them what they wanted me to do? The voice said "listen when we call you, talk when we tell you, give them what we give you." So I asked them why they chose me? They replied "you are one of the four chosen, one of the four keys. We can not gather unless we have your help." So I asked them "why are we the chosen? Then they said this "Each of the chosen keys have different human attributes, you have innocents. This makes you naive to the trouble this world faces. So my final question to them was this "what is it you want me to do now?" They replied "they have questions, soon you will answer them. Call on us, and we will answer." And just like that as quickly as the voices came they were gone.

That last part I didn't really get. How am I supposed to answer your questions? It seems like you guys know more about this than I do.


Thursday, January 4, 2007

Wow !!!!

I just went to the links you guys posted. This is all pretty crazy. I cant believe you guys figured all that stuff out. I am glad you guys are here, because I wouldn't have had the first clue what all of that stuff was. This is so weird in a kinda cool way.

I am sorry I wasn't on here yesterday. My dad made me go to this stupid holiday party. I really didn't get why they had a holiday party after the holidays. My dad said "it was because the holidays are there busiest time". So what ever, I guess. I wish I could have been involved more, not that I really could have helped you out that much.

So, It looks like the skulls are trying to do some gathering thing, Huh. That's releaving at least they are not trying to kill me. So, I guess we wait for them to do something else.

I still haven't heard anything from them yet. But I am ready to hear from them. I am not scared of them now.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I got it !!!!

I got it!!!!!!!!! I figured it out. One of you guys emailed me an told me to get the picture that has been flashing up on my computer. I got it, I can't believe I figured it out. It took me long enough but here it is.

Thank you guys for the information. I feel a little bit better now. Its always good to have people to talk to when your by yourself.

I hope this will help you guys out because I have no idea what what this picture is. It looks like some wierd clock to me. I hope its not my screen saver or something stupid like that.

Anyways, I think I need to go to sleep soon. It has been a long (very strange) day. I will let you guys know if I hear them talk to me tonight. Let me know what you guys find.


Im am sorry I don't know what to do.

I am sorry guys, I don't know what to do. I just looked at the 13crystalskulls page. I don't understand what is going on. I just thought that the house was haunted, and now there is some strange page with skulls on it telling people to look for me. I am kinda freaked out, now more than ever. I don't even know if I want to talk to these things. What if they are going to hurt me?

This is just so weird. I don't know the answers to all of you questions. I wish I could explain all of this. I wish someone would tell me everything is OK. And I wish I wasn't at this house all alone.


I am back !!!!!

Well, I am back. I had a great Christmas. Thanks Alice for the ipod nano, I love it! So things went good at my mom's house. I still hate Mark my mom's new husband, but at least he was nice this week. My little brother got an xbox 360 and some Gears of War game. He was playing it non stop. It was funny my mom caught him up at like 3:30 in the morning still playing that game. She was so mad, It was great.

Oh, I saw someone left me a comment. Hi RedHatty, I don't think I know you. Your not one of those creepy Internet guys are you? Just kidding. I really didn't think anyone would believe me about the voices. I really don't believe me, all my friends back home didn't believe me either. They thought I was joking around. So I just laughed it off, and talked about something else.

But no, I haven't tried to talk to them. Because my friend Adam said "he hears voices all the time, and your only crazy if you talk back to them". So I didn't want to feel any more crazy than I already may seem. And I haven't tried to listen to them individually. I haven't even heard them since the last time I posted about it. I still think the house is haunted or something, because I didn't hear them at all at when I was at my mom's house.

Why do you ask? Can you hear the voices too?
