Monday, January 22, 2007

I hate being sick

Ah, hey guys I wanted to get out of bed and see how whats been going on. I have been sick with the flu for the last few days. It looks like you guys are doing ok without me. I have been feeling a little better so I will try to stay in touch with you guys more.

Did anybody else notice that Tyi said the skulls were still contacting him. Thats kinda weird, that they are contacting him still and not any of us. Anyways, I am going to go lay down on the couch and watch TV. I will check back in later.


Evan P said...

Oh man, I hear 'ya. Here's some virtual chicken soup!

Not sure why the Skellies are still chatting away with him - or, if they are, what they're saying - but they aren't really chatting with us, and Manda seems to be moving on with her life altogether (?)

Maybe it's like Tinkerbell. We have to clap really hard (and think happy thoughts?) to get the kind of conversation we once enjoyed with them.
Hang in there, Missy!

RedHatty said...

Hi Missy,

Hope you are feeling better! We made it past Roseskull & Goldenskull, but there is a warning about a person who will be trying to deceive the Chosen, so watch out for any strangers who contact you. Let us know if you hear anything from any new skulls.