Monday, January 15, 2007

I just got this email!!!

Well this whole thing just got a little weirder. I just checked my email and got a message from this guy. I thought getting emails from you guys was weird at first, but this beats that. So, I don't know what to think of this. And I am not replying to him until I figure out whats up with this guy. I thought you guys were supposed to find us not the other way around. I don't know, maybe you guys can contact him and find out. if he is for real.
to Me

The skulls have been talking to me for a while . They told me to wait for you guys to find me. But, I don't want to wait anymore. I know why you all were chosen, I know why I was chosen. I am searching for the others. I will find them, then we can all come together we can complete this prophecy.


RedHatty said...

Hi Missy,

No need to freak out, seems the skulls knew this was going to happen, you have been contacted by chosen #4. Check here at the bottom to see where they let us know to expect it:

So does the newest chosen have a blog or website?

RedHatty said...


I am not too sure what to think about this new Chosen, he emailed me back after I sent him to the gathering site with this:

I don't waist my time with those cheep Corporate sites. If I need to I will hack into one of the other chosen sites. I am currently rummaging through Missy's computer as we speak. It seems to me that the skulls are running communications through everyone's computer that contacts them. Some how they are able to open up an IP and leave it open, regardless of a firewall or router. It will take me some time but I will find them.

I don't know if you are okay with someone hacking into your computer & apparently this guy doesn't bother to ask permission first. Wonder why he was chosen

Rekidk said...

Yeah, Missy... I'd reccomend shutting off your internet connection ASAP if possible. I wouldn't want some random guy (Chosen or not) hacking into my computer.

Ms Fish said...

So, that is why I couldn't use my computer. I couldn't even restart it.

What should I do? Is this guy one of the chosen?

RedHatty said...

Apaprently he is one of the chosen. He is a bit short on people skills though - his expertise is computers. I think I helped him to see that he put us off with the way he announced himself& you should be hearing from him real soon!