Friday, January 5, 2007

I'm back !

Hey guys, I had to sneak back in here. Because I think I need to tell you guys this . When I was in Lab I kept hearing these letters over and over. "FNRDTSIR" I don't know If there were any more. I was trying to block the voices so I didn't get in trouble.

Hope this helps because If I keep this up I am going to be in so much trouble. I will try to get on later and see how everything is going.



RedHatty said...

Okay, we are pretty sure that is referring to You don't need to go there, you are a bit young for internet dating! (It's a social site) But we are still a bit cluless what name we should be looking for there. We are gonna keep working on it & it you hear anything else from the voices, please let us know!

Tesseract said...

If it is friendster, we need a lead on who we are looking for. Can you ask?

RedHatty said...

I am glad to see you have more of a life than we do:) we have been hoping to hear from you. Glad you got out & away from the computer today.

When you get a chance, please ask the voices if friendster is right and ask them how many letters we should get from the numbers (10 or less?)
